
Buyer’s Inspection

Homestead Inspections LLC abides by ASHI Standard of Practice (SOP) during all inspections. Our inspections start as low as $350. The Buyer’s Inspection helps home buyers better understand the condition of the home and how it operates while also shedding light on any damages or defects. The thorough walkthrough of the home includes the following areas, as long as they are safely accessible:

  • Structure and foundations
  • Electrical systems
  • Roofs and attics
  • Basements and crawlspaces
  • Gutters and drainage
  • Walls, floors, ceilings, doors, and windows
  • Porches and decks
  • Property and slope

We operate the following parts of the home at the inspection:

  • Furnaces
  • Air conditioning
  • Plumbing fixtures
  • Electrical fixtures
  • Hot water heaters
  • Windows and doors
  • Kitchen components (ranges, microwaves, trash compactors, disposals, washers and dryers, refrigerators)
Suunny living room


Buyer’s Inspection

Homestead Inspections LLC abides by ASHI Standard of Practice (SOP) during all inspections. Our inspections start as low as $350. The Buyer’s Inspection helps home buyers better understand the condition of the home and how it operates while also shedding light on any damages or defects. The thorough walkthrough of the home includes the following areas, as long as they are safely accessible:

  • Structure and foundations
  • Electrical systems
  • Roofs and attics
  • Basements and crawlspaces
  • Gutters and drainage
  • Walls, floors, ceilings, doors, and windows
  • Porches and decks
  • Property and slope

We operate the following parts of the home at the inspection:

  • Furnaces
  • Air conditioning
  • Plumbing fixtures
  • Electrical fixtures
  • Hot water heaters
  • Windows and doors
  • Kitchen components (ranges, microwaves, trash compactors, disposals, washers and dryers, refrigerators)
Pre Listing Home Inspection

Pre-Listing Inspection Package

Pre-Listing Inspections are offered as a single service or as an Inspection Package. The Pre-Listing Inspection helps home sellers avoid surprises arising when buyers see the home and help them increase negotiating power by repairing the home before listing. An inspection report included in the home’s listing is attractive to potential buyers.
As part of the Pre-Listing Inspection Package, sellers receive a free radon test they can pass along to any potential buyer. Our inspector will review the inspection report with potential buyers during a guided walk through of the home, at a discounted rate to the potential buyer. If the seller agrees to make corrections, our inspector will return at no extra cost to inspect corrections that have been made and amend report for seller/realtor. Pre-Listing inspections are $350 for any resident property.

Re Inspection


Re-Inspections can be a great way to ensure that both buyer and seller are on the same page after the repair addendum has been addressed. We will revisit the home for a second inspection, this time focusing on the repairs made and ensuring they are defect-free and completed as agreed upon.

New Construction Inspection

New Construction Inspection

Before the final walkthrough, it is important to have a New Construction Inspection scheduled after the completion of a building project. We thoroughly search for the oversights in construction that can hold up the process at the walkthrough, giving builders the time and information they need to repair defects beforehand.

Light Commercial Inspection

Light Commercial Building Inspection

We offer Light Commercial Inspections for small commercial properties such as storefronts and businesses that are run out of previously residential buildings. We inspect the building thoroughly and offer buyers and owners a complete understanding of the property.

Additional Services

Radon Testing

Radon Testing

Radon, a toxic gas that can rise from soil and collect in the home, causes lung cancer and other serious health issues in the people exposed to it. The gas is invisible, odorless, and tasteless, so professional equipment and testing is required. Keep your home and family safe by scheduling Radon Testing when you buy a home.

Termite Inspection

WDO/Termite Inspection

Termites and other wood-destroying organisms cause major damage to homes by tunneling through wood and structures. We will thoroughly inspect the home for pre-existing termite damage or signs of an infestation, then advise on what remediation steps to take next.

Water Testing

Water Testing

We will test the water in the home for harmful contaminants and bacteria, ensuring that it is safe for use and consumption. Schedule Water Testing when buying a new home or whenever you notice a change in the color, taste, or smell of your water.

Certified Home Inspector Jamie Provencher

Jamie Provencher

Owner and Certified Home Inspector

Call Homestead Inspections now if you’re looking for a trustworthy New Hampshire home inspector.

Offering a 10% discount on General Inspections to military and veterans, police, and firemen, a 10% discount for repeat business, and $50 off for first-time home buyers.